Carolyn’s Lavender Lemon Verbena Potpurri
Yield varies
The clean, lasting fragrance of this potpourri doesn’t require fixatives or fussing. It’s simple, keeps its scent until the next season, and looks lovely in sheer, purple-toned gift bags. Two lavender plants (Grosso de Provence and Fat Spike Dutch) and one lemon verbena plant will give me enough material for about two dozen 4.5-by-7-inch potpourri bags. The secret is to dry the lavender and lemon verbena completely.
Equal parts lavender buds and lemon verbena leaves
Dried rose petals, if available
4.5 x 7-inch potpourri bags
1. Cut lavender stems when they are still in bud with a few open flowers. Lie flat in a cool, dark place with good air circulation.
2. Harvest lemon verbena stems with few flowers. Spread flat in a cool, dark place with good air circulation.
3. Remove buds from the lavender and leaves from the dried verbena stems. Toss together with rose petals, if you’re using them. Pack into potpourri bags.