Green Grows in Brooklyn: Part V

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Artistic rendering of the Natural Home Show House in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.
Artistic rendering of the Natural Home Show House in Boerum Hill, Brooklyn.
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The developers will place tall, leafy plants in the shared courtyard.
The developers will place tall, leafy plants in the shared courtyard.
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The steel framing for the third floor rises above the brick shell of what will become the four-story building.
The steel framing for the third floor rises above the brick shell of what will become the four-story building.

Our partners, R&E Brooklyn and Green Depot, are closing in on the final push to complete the Natural Home Show House, a 1920s Brooklyn brownstone once slated for demolition. The former pharmacy and Laundromat in Boerum Hill will showcase the best practices in environmental building. As construction winds down, we’ll be hosting an “open walls” walk-through in October, and the renovated property will be included in the Green Homes NYC tour on October 6. A shining example of the potential of green building, the Natural Home Show House is slated to be the first American Lung Association Health House in New York City; it also will be the first U.S. Green Building Council LEED-certified home in the state of New York.

Where are we now?

Workers have completed the structural steel framework and roof, and they’ve laid the groundwork for the HVAC systems, plumbing, electrical and radiant “warm floor” installation. Green Depot is leading the way as we source the most innovative materials for interior finishes, including soundproofing solutions for common walls and floors as well as the attenuation of street noise and mechanical systems (an environmental issue in noisy New York). Green Depot is also bringing in some of the best and brightest minds in green building and design through its 360 Network, a community of local,reputable professionals.

When will the home be finished?

After hitting a few construction snags, we’re back on track, and the home should be ready for public tours in early 2008. Watch our future issues for updates or check out our website.

  • Published on Jan 8, 2009
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