Is There a Cheap Green Substance to Take the Place of Concrete for the Floor in a Garage?

Reader Contribution by Michael Morley

I am building a garage, is there a cheap, green substance to take the place of concrete for the floor?

Alan Land
Barnsdall, Oklahoma

For your garage to be a permanent structure, you will need to dig and pour concrete footings that reach below the frost line. These footings can then support the walls and roof of the garage. The garage floor is independent of this process and does not need to be poured concrete.

Concrete itself is a necessary evil in the construction business. The embodied energy in a truck full of concrete as it arrives on your site is a big contributor to global warming. The energy (usually electric) to superheat limestone to make Portland cement makes concrete a not-very-green material. We need to use substitutes for concrete whenever we can. Here are a couple of ideas that you may want to consider.

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