Bug Out: Preventive Pest Control

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Keep your home bug-free by implementing regular preventative cleaning.
Keep your home bug-free by implementing regular preventative cleaning.
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Eliminate sources of moisture (such as leaky faucets) and food to keep bugs out of your house.
Eliminate sources of moisture (such as leaky faucets) and food to keep bugs out of your house.

Perusing the chemical pest control options in the hardware store—the rows of bottles marked with “poison,” “toxic” and details on how to reach poison control hotlines—is enough to make living with ants look attractive. But you don’t have to live with toxins, ants or other pesky bugs. We can keep common household pests at bay using safe, natural strategies.

When it comes to warding off pests, your first step is to figure out what conditions in your home are attractive to them. Sources of water and food and good places to nest are magnets to pests who’d like to make your home their own. Assess your home, looking for places that seem appealing to bugs, then make it difficult for them to access those resources using our tips at right. If you have a problem with a specific bug, check out our natural tips below for troubleshooting pest problems.

Preventive Pest Control Measures

Wage Water War. Available water (even very small amounts) is attractive to a wide range of irritating insects. Eliminate insects’ water supply by fixing any leaking fixtures, including faucets, pipes or clogged drains.

Block Food Supply. The same premise is true for food around your home. Keep pests from setting up shop by being vigilant about crumbs and spills. Sweep the kitchen floor regularly, clear up any spills and wipe down counters daily. Store food in tightly sealed containers, and deposit leftovers promptly in the fridge. If you keep a covered sugar jar on the counter, place it on an interior wall to keep it away from insects.

  • Published on Apr 19, 2013
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