Matt Petersen: Keeping it Green With Global Green USA

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Photo by Stephen Dabrowski
Matt Peterson, president and CEO of Global Green USA

Through Global Green USA, Matt Petersen tackles environmental issues, both local and global.

KID CRUSADER: At age five, Petersen proclaimed, “Dad, we have to do something to take care of our planet.” As president and CEO of Global Green USA, he helps create innovative public policy to spark community-level change that’s replicable on a larger scale.

ECO-PERESTROIKA: Global Green USA is an affiliate of Mikhail Gorbachev’s Green Cross International. Petersen and the former Soviet leader frequently meet. “He’s a reformer,” says Petersen. “I’m constantly inspired by his dedication, vision, and courage.” The organizations work to eliminate weapons of mass destruction, stem climate change, reduce resource use, and provide clean water.

TRULY AFFORDABLE HOUSING: Petersen is collaborating with Habitat for Humanity to build healthier homes that waste less energy for low-income families. “It’s one way to transform communities from the inside out,” he says.

A WORLD WITHOUT OIL: By the time his three-year-old son becomes an adult, Petersen hopes technologies and environmental policies will enable us to break our reliance on petroleum. Global Green USA is urging the United Nations to set up a $50 billion Solar Venture Fund to support solar initiatives.

  • Published on Sep 1, 2005
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