Lights, Camera, Planet
Can’t make it to the Sundance or Hazel Wolf Film Festivals to check out the newest environmental flicks? Join Earth Cinema Circle, a DVD club that distributes relatively obscure movies about wildlife, conservation and more. The website allows members and filmmakers to chat about their favorite films. Earth Cinema donates to the 1% for the Planet program. For more information, click here.
Green GIs
The nonprofit Green Collar Vets program helps U.S. military veterans develop green-building skills and find employment in areas such as solar, wind and geothermal technology; the biodiesel and organic food industries; green landscaping and sustainable community planning. For more information, click here.
Saving Souls and Forests
The world’s first Forest Stewardship Council-certified Bible hit book stores this winter, sparking more interest in tree-friendly publishing. The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Daily Bible (Thomas Nelson, 2007) contains 10 percent recycled paper from post-consumer sources; the remaining paper is from sustainably harvested trees. The publishing company is also collaborating with the Green Press Initiative to reduce its carbon emissions. For more information, click here.