The Sky Ain’t Cryin
Big news around here is no rain, and none in sight. Dry dry dry.
The ground is cryin’.
Mushrooms are hidin’.
Creeks are dribblin’.
Hills, usually verdant this time of year, are brownish green, oh my.
People I pass on my walks say, beautiful day, I grit my teeth and agree.
A beautiful day right now would be torrents of rain.
Foraged Firewood
I rented a log splitter and Marco I split enough wood for two years in about five hours. Usually I pick up oak from the side of the road, but this year there was a ton of cypress and eucalyptus lying around, cut to firewood-sized logs, needing only splitting. Very few people around here get their own firewood these days; probably half the houses in these two small seaside towns are second units for city people who come infrequently. The do-it-yourself era around here ended years ago.
Killer Kayak
The Hammer, made by P&H in the UK, is a new and uniquely designed ocean kayak. Check out a video of it in the surf.
Note: you’ve got to put in a fair amount of time in order to maneuver around like this. If you live in the San Francisco area, check out the California Canoe and Kayak Co. in Jack London Square in Oakland. They must have over 100 boats in stock. If you’re serious about buying a kayak and put down a $300 deposit, they will let you try out any number of kayaks over a three month period, keeping them for several days until you find the one that suits your needs.