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The International Window Film Association (IWFA) said California residents can save the equivalent of four million barrels of oil yearly, or about the annual output of three, 500-Megawatt power stations, if energy saving window film were installed on just 10 percent of the dwellings built before building energy codes were mandated.
California leads the way as the first state to add window film into its building code and the opportunity for achieving the state’s energy goals may be closer when energy saving window film is factored in. The California Building Standards Commission (CBSC) recently approved a new code that becomes effective in 2014. The CBSC adopted extensive energy code requirements voted by the California Energy Commission in 2012.
“We need to continually look for smart, cost-effective ways to save energy and reduce peak electricity load,” said Commissioner Andrew McAllister of the California Energy Commission. “Window film is a product that needs to be considered as an important retrofit solution as we upgrade legacy dwellings in the Golden State,” he added.
Independent analysis conducted by ConSol a California based energy consulting firm, reported that energy saving window film is one of the most cost-effective measures to reduce energy use in California. In fact, window film outpaces traditional techniques such as updating HVAC systems, air sealing and caulking or adding R-38 ceiling insulation. ConSol’s study used many of the same processes the California Energy Commission utilizes in determining relative value of energy savings for the state.
In California, there are nearly 9,000,000 dwellings built prior to the energy building codes. By professionally installing window film on just 900,000 dwellings or 10 percent, ConSol conservatively estimates window film may cut a typical dwelling’s annual energy use by 10 percent. Taken together this could add up to 7,150,250,000-kilowatt hours. The savings is comparable to what three power plants could produce annually, or the conversion equivalent of 4,000,000 barrels of oil, according to ConSol.
“Without a doubt, window film offers an enormous potential for energy savings in the California market and consumers may not need to replace their windows at all,” said Darrell Smith , executive director of the IWFA. “We hope that policy makers in other states will take California’s lead and develop programs that encourage this extremely cost-effective solution for consumers,” he added.
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