Lighten Up With Energy-Efficient Light Bulbs

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LED Light: Small, powerful, and efficient. Now that they produce white light appropriate for residential settings, LEDs grouped together in a bulb pack enough punch that this 8w LED from Nexxus can replace a 75-watt PAR30 incandescent bulb. 
LED Light: Small, powerful, and efficient. Now that they produce white light appropriate for residential settings, LEDs grouped together in a bulb pack enough punch that this 8w LED from Nexxus can replace a 75-watt PAR30 incandescent bulb. 
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If you want to find energy-efficient light bulbs, you’ll need to understand the basics of LED lights and CFL bulbs, presented in this article. After you’ve upgraded your lighting, check out the other great energy-saving ideas in “The Energy Smart House” by the editors of “Fine Homebuilding.” Written by builders and every experts from all over the country, this book details the methods, materials and technology you’ll need to make your home as energy efficient as possible.  
If you want to find energy-efficient light bulbs, you’ll need to understand the basics of LED lights and CFL bulbs, presented in this article. After you’ve upgraded your lighting, check out the other great energy-saving ideas in “The Energy Smart House” by the editors of “Fine Homebuilding.” Written by builders and every experts from all over the country, this book details the methods, materials and technology you’ll need to make your home as energy efficient as possible.  
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Continuous task lighting: The unique tubes and connectors of Feelux’s Slimline allow end-to-end installation, eliminating shadows and dark spots between fixtures in undercabinet and cove lighting. 
Continuous task lighting: The unique tubes and connectors of Feelux’s Slimline allow end-to-end installation, eliminating shadows and dark spots between fixtures in undercabinet and cove lighting. 
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Efficacy at a glace: Understanding this measure of lighting efficiency.
Efficacy at a glace: Understanding this measure of lighting efficiency.
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Energy-efficient light bulb sources.
Energy-efficient light bulb sources.
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Energy efficient lightbulbs come in a broad range of styles. You can find an energy efficient bulb for almost any type of light fixture.
Energy efficient lightbulbs come in a broad range of styles. You can find an energy efficient bulb for almost any type of light fixture.

Energy efficiency begins at home, which can often be improved easily with the right knowledge, tools and materials. This excerpt comes from The Energy-Smart House (Taunton Press, 2011) is a collection of articles on how to reduce the amount of energy your home uses, from installing energy-efficient light bulbs to insulation and windows. The following is adapted from Part 5, “Lighting and Appliances.”

Although still a relatively small slice of the incandescent-dominated lighting market, energy-efficient compact fluorescents (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) have gained traction over the past few years, thanks to green-building programs and some progressive local energy codes.  

Be sure and look at the Efficacy at a Glance and Sources boxes (in the Image Gallery) for even more information on energy-efficient light bulbs and where to buy them. 

CFLs Come of Age 

CFLs were introduced in the early 1990s, but they weren’t ready for prime time. Early CFLs produced harsh blue light, hummed, and flickered, making a poor first impression. Today’s CFLs, however, produce light at around 2,700 degrees Kelvin (the measurement of light hue), mimicking the warm, amber-hued light of incandescent bulbs. Also, the old magnetic ballasts have been replaced with quiet electronic ballasts that don’t flicker. 

  • Published on Jan 16, 2012
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