Rugmark-Certified Carpets

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Children in India previously forced to weave for sixteen hours a day now go to school as part of Rugmark’s rehabilitation programs
Children in India previously forced to weave for sixteen hours a day now go to school as part of Rugmark’s rehabilitation programs
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At Rugmark-certified factories in Nepal, humane conditions are assured to adult loom workers.
At Rugmark-certified factories in Nepal, humane conditions are assured to adult loom workers.
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Shanti Lama, 14, has traded in loom work for homework.
Shanti Lama, 14, has traded in loom work for homework.

The handmade carpet industry has long been associated with child exploitation. So how can you be sure your next carpet purchase doesn’t bear the imprints of tiny fingers?

Making a difference: Rugmark, a nonprofit organization working to end child labor, certifies carpets made under safe and fair working conditions while helping former child weavers reclaim their childhood. Many Rugmark-certified rugs are also made of natural wool and dyed with botanical pigments.

From loom to classroom

More than 2,300 child carpet workers have been rescued in India, Nepal, and Pakistan and placed in schools since Rugmark was launched in 1994.

Changing lives

  • Published on Jan 1, 2004
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