Organize Your Desk With Feng Shui

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You are your home. Over the past 5,000 years, the Chinese have proven with time-tested accuracy that you can enhance your life when you enhnce your home decor with feng shui. 

Feng shui, which literally translates as “wind and water,” provides simple and simply wonderful ways to design your environment to benefit your career, relationships, and finances. While the design of all areas of your home is equally important in bringing harmony to your life, your desk, its placement, and the way it’s accessorized are significant in bringing about creativity in your personal and financial affairs.

To understand how feng shui works, consider the stress you feel when you have much to do and little time to do it. Now add to the mix a cluttered, disorganized desktop. When there is no room on your desk, there is no room to think. When you clear your desktop, however, you also clear your head. You become better organized, less stressed, and allow new possibilities, ideas, and creative solutions an unfettered path to enter.

Because feng shui works via your unconscious response to what you see and experience in any given environment, imagine all the life-enhancing possibilities the following desk-decorating tips will make in your life:

• Avoid Jessie James Syndrome: Never sit at a desk with your back to the door. (Jessie would never have been able to count his bounty with his back to the door). If this situation can’t be avoided, place a small mirror in front of you so you can see someone entering the room. Being startled from behind creates insecurity; at your desk, this means financial insecurity.

  • Published on May 1, 1999
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