Crash Course: Bedroom Tips for a Better Night’s Sleep

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Photo By Philip Gould
Prepare your bedroom for a good night's sleep by reducing incoming light, lowering the temperature and removing any clutter from around your bed.

Trouble sleeping? Feeling tired? Check these bedroom trouble spots.


If you can see your hand after the lights are turned off, your bedroom is too light. Streetlights, nightlights and appliances can produce enough light to disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone that helps regulate the sleep cycle, causing effects similar to jet lag.

? Fix It: Move or cover light sources. If streetlights invade your bedroom, install lightblocking drapes. Also limit light exposure before bedtime. Being surrounded by electric light in the evening–even checking e-mail before bed–can reset your biological clock and make falling asleep difficult.


  • Published on Oct 4, 2010
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