Eco-Talk With Julia Louis-Dreyfus

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Photo By Peggy Sirota
Julia Louis-Dreyfus knows how to blend her green interests with her healthy consumer habits.

Actor Julia Louis-Dreyfus owns an energy-conscious oceanfront Santa Barbara bungalow that features rooftop solar panels, sustainably harvested tropical woods, a natural ventilation system and recycled-newspaper insulation.

Julia: I am hardly by nature an energy-efficient person. I’m a consumer. I love the creature comforts. I can’t live without my cappuccinos, my hot showers, that kind of thing. It’s only recently that practical solutions have emerged for consumers to live efficiently without making big sacrifices. I’m not the type to ride a bike to work everyday, but I’ll damn well buy a hybrid-engine car. I’m not the type to cut back on hot showers, but there’s no harm in hot water when it’s warmed by the sun.

For a full interview with Louis-Dreyfus and more information about the home she owns with her husband, Brad Hall, see Amanda Griscom’s article on Grist magazine’s website. 

  • Published on Mar 1, 2004
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