Can This Home Be Greened? A 1970s Solar Ranch Gets a Whole-House Audit

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Greg and Anne Oberg, with Gracey, hope to create a beautiful living space that’s healthy for their family.
Greg and Anne Oberg, with Gracey, hope to create a beautiful living space that’s healthy for their family.
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Greg and Anne Oberg, with Gracey, hope to create a beautiful living space that’s healthy for their family.
Greg and Anne Oberg, with Gracey, hope to create a beautiful living space that’s healthy for their family.
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If the fireplace is never used, plug and seal the chimney flue to save energy.
If the fireplace is never used, plug and seal the chimney flue to save energy.
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The solar panels, installed in 1982, are in great shape thanks to Greg’s periodic tuning and cleaning. Some cedar shingles are badly weathered, but to save money, it’s possible to replace individual units as necessary.
The solar panels, installed in 1982, are in great shape thanks to Greg’s periodic tuning and cleaning. Some cedar shingles are badly weathered, but to save money, it’s possible to replace individual units as necessary.
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Gaps like this one on the garage door waste energy.
Gaps like this one on the garage door waste energy.

Greg and Anne Oberg’s garage is filled with mountain bikes, road bikes and tricycles, reflections of their family’s keen interest in fitness and health. So when they started thinking about renovating their 1970s ranch-style home in Longmont, Colorado, naturally they made the family’s health one of their priorities. 

The couple already has made significant changes to the home since they moved in a year ago, including replacing a rotted deck with one made of ChoiceDek recycled wood/ plastic-composite lumber. Now they’ve asked Natural Home for help prioritizing their goals to make the most of a $30,000 budget.

Solar panels heat the home’s water in summer and provide some heat for the rooms in winter, yet Greg and Anne want to further improve their energy efficiency. They also want to replace some of the home’s more outdated décor–including the living room’s gold, “amoeba- patterned” shag carpet–without filling the house with dust and debris. Anne and their 3-year-old daughter, Gracey, spend much of the day at home and didn’t want to live in a construction zone any more than is necessary.

The low-hanging fruit

Problem: A house as old as the Obergs’ is bound to have some air leaks, easy-to-overlook sources that add up. The Obergs may want to scan their whole home for leaks around doors, windows and vents that can cause drafts and hot or cold air loss.

  • Published on Mar 1, 2006
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