Build Your Own Dome Home

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Photo by Fotolia/Illustres-Vous
The Lama Foundation of 1970 encourages building your own dome home out of recycled materials.

Don’t be boxed in. Resort to ecological principles: Money does not exist. Only energy, perseverance and imagination are needed but these resources are limitless — unaffected by the laws of supply and demand.

Go ahead and do it. Pay homage to the sun — the original source of all your energy. No one can tell you the way to build a dome or a zome or whatever. Create. You are your own architect. Work with what you have — energy — and scrounge the rest.

Play with models. Experiment. Use stiff cardboard cut into geometric shapes and taped. Get your energy going and the dome’s synergy will carry you. Scavenge and scrounge.

As America rots in its garbage, you can survive on the waste. Materials can be had from schools, construction projects, demolition sites, people, industry, lumber yards. Much is laying around dumped.  America, in its greed, will give us our sustenance. From dead cars in junk yards you can get valuable metal tops, sometimes just for the effort.

More information can be found in libraries and government documents. Ideas are free and the energy is there. Liberate your ecosystem. Ecology begins with yourself.

  • Published on May 1, 1970
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