Market for Bottled Water Declining

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The demand for bottled water may be declining, says the World Watch Institute, an independent research organization. The decline may related to the many awareness campaigns centered on the energy intensiveness of production and transportation of water bottles that sometimes end up in the landfill.  

The International Bottled Water Association argues, however, that the slower pace is just the market leveling itself off after years of rapid growth, and not the result of environmental campaigns.

Despite a continued growth in the bottled water market in the U.S. and abroad, last year’s growth in the U.S. was the slowest in 10 years. Cities across the U.S., such as San Francisco, are phasing out the municipal consumption of bottled water when unnecessary; however, international demand for bottled water is still strong, especially in China.

More about bottled water

• Keep it green with a Klean Kanteen.

  • Published on Sep 8, 2008
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