Tiny houses are everywhere! These tiny, compact, affordable houses are the perfect addition to any family. Just look up Tiny House Hunters, Tiny House Builders, or Tiny House Nation. The blogs and TV shows show how popular the craze is right now, especially with the cost of owning a “normal house” growing out of proportion. But, besides the cost effectiveness of owning and living in a tiny house, there are tons of benefits. Ability to travel, eco-friendly living, less money decorating and cleaning, to just name a few. Together, we will go over the top 10 benefits of living in a tiny house, and hey, you might even want to start considering one.
Building a Tiny House Costs Much Less than a “Normal House”
Not everyone has the knowledge to build their own tiny house, so they have engineers design it for them. Obviously, due to this or any construction project, things are going to cost a little bit of dough. Luckily, however, tiny house costs a lot less than an average house. As a matter of fact, tiny houses only cost a fraction of the cost traditional cost due to only needing a fraction of the materials. And, you can find free tiny house plans from all over the internet if you don’t want to hire someone to design it for you. This cost usually runs from $20-50,000 making it a little easier to pay without needing a mortgage. However, most banks would gladly hand over this small loan payment if you needed a mortgage since it’s so much smaller than a traditional home loan.
You Can Travel the Country With Ease
If you build a tiny house on wheels, you can literally attach your home to your car and drive anywhere in the country. You can even set up shop. Never again will you deal with the struggle of finding some cheap hotel room on vacation when you can take your entire home with you. Whether it’s the Grand Canyons or visiting the many trails of Vermont, you are completely covered to travel wherever and whenever you want.
But what about electricity, water, or sewer needs? You’ll never need them again…well…maybe some of them. Since most tiny houses have solar and rain barrels built into them, your house kind of takes care of itself. Think of a tiny house like an RV, wherever an RV can go you can go. You can even get a tiny house suited with RV hookups for easier stays at campsites.
Say Goodbye to Future Big Moves
New Job and need to move? No worries! Just pack up your house, attach it to your car, and be on your way. No need to say goodbye to your precious house you spent years in, making new memories, or renting a new house that may not be as good. Instead of jumping from house to house, you can stick with this one and move anywhere your heart desires. The only question is where to move to next?
Most Tiny Houses Are 100 Percent Eco-friendly
You can finally fill your life’s purpose of re-purposing everything. Even the materials that made your tiny house can be made from recycled materials promoting healthier living. Not to mention the solar panels on the roof, the rain barrels on the side of the house, and composting toilet. There is no end to how eco-friendly you can be, promoting a healthier and cleaner earth for future generations.
Goodbye Electric Bills
Tear up those electric bills right now. Hello, the beauty of solar power. That’s right, you can get all your electricity by that hot yellow sun. Since tiny houses are smaller and require fewer appliances, you don’t even need a lot of power to start with. However, if you need a bit more juice, remember what I said about it being an RV, just grab a spot at a local campsite that provides hookups. Life could not be simpler.
You Can Live Simpler
Say goodbye to your tubs and containers of things you “had to keep.” You crazy hoarder you. Time to say goodbye and start living simpler by decluttering your home and your life. Since tiny houses are so much smaller than a house there’s no room to keep that stuff. I mean, you could rent a storage unit if you needed to, but that’s all you.
Spend Less Money on Decorations
Why have a Christmas tree inside when you can have it glowing outside your home? Say goodbye to pine needle messes. But don’t worry, I’m sure Santa will still manage to find a way to drop off your presents. With less decoration, there comes less electricity needed, which means less spending for you. See how this all works out for you? Trickling unnecessary spending in the trash.
Spend Less Time Cleaning
Who likes cleaning? Well, I do, but most people don’t. With a tiny house, all you have to do is some light sweeping and dusting…and done. Yea, seriously, that’s it. 10 minutes tops every week, talk about living simpler.
Stay Tidier
Say goodbye to clothing piles. Since there is less space in tiny houses, having messy areas isn’t really suggested since you’ll be walking over them. You’ll start to love compartmentalized living since it really is cleaner. Start decluttering your life and staying tidier in the space you have. Something to teach the kids.
It Can Be Anything You Want It To Be
Tiny houses are entirely customizable. There are tons of designs on tons of tiny house building websites. However, if you don’t find something you like I’m sure someone on TaskRabbit will be up to the challenge. Even when you have your tiny house, things can be rebuilt and rearranged. This is easy living after all.
I really hope I managed to sweep you off your feet and get you into a tiny house. It’s affordable, popular, and really cool! Even if you currently have a house you’re paying off, who doesn’t like a portable vacation home? I know we will reach the critics of the dangers of tiny living, but if it’s just you and your dog, the possibilities of a happier and easier life are within reach. If you love tiny living or have any suggestions feel free to comment below.
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