Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash
Access to cleaning supplies and home goods is especially tricky right now. Grocery stores are selling out of everyday essentials like toilet paper, disinfectant and other sanitation products. Even beauty supplies and personal hygiene items like shampoo can be hard to find.
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased interest in self-sufficiency. Households seek out creative alternatives to common disinfectants, and some people are even buying their own egg-laying chickens and making sourdough bread.
If you live in the country, you may be well-acquainted with the one major grocery store in town, or the best discount place to purchase bulk Lysol wipes. However, if you’re looking to purchase sanitation products on a budget, there are a few options available.
Here are six budget-friendly ways to buy home cleaning products and personal hygiene items when everything in the grocery store is sold out.
1. Discount Stores
Discount stores tend to have off-brand items available even when big box stores are empty. Bargain stores and salvaged grocery stores are fantastic resources for products that may be nearing expiration or items that stores overstocked. When it comes to personal hygiene products, some bargain stores will have bulk options available from merchandise overstock orders and mislabeled packages.
2. Wholesale Online
If you prefer to order online rather than go to a physical store, wholesale resources are a great option. You can order bulk products or stock up on essential ingredients for your DIY project. While you may have to wait patiently for your products to arrive, buying wholesale is often cheaper than getting a single product. Just make sure you have some extra space to store that pallet of Clorox that you ordered!
3. Community Networks
If you’re older or immunocompromised, you may be tentative to check out local stores. If you need items you can’t find online, see if your local community has any resources on where to find products. Many rural areas have community outreach programs and can help you find the supplies you need. You may even find that a local citizen has organized a distribution network, as many people search for solutions to help the at-risk population during this time.
4. Local Feed Store
Sometimes the most unexpected places have the most vital items. If you live in a rural area, you may be surprised to find that you can buy personal hygiene products at farm supply stores. Many grain mills and other agriculturally-focused enterprises also carry household necessities like toilet paper, shampoo and dish soap.
5. Make Your Own
Making your own supplies can be a cheap alternative to buying sanitation products if you have the time and resources. DIY cleaners can be just as effective as store-bought brands and offer families a budget-friendly solution. You can make homemade cleaners for laundry detergent, stain remover, dish soap and tile cleaners!
6. Find a Friend
Connect with a local sales network and see if anyone you know has extra product they are looking to get rid of. You might be surprised by how many people are distributing essential goods. If you live in the country, you’re probably accustomed to neighbors helping each other out in times of need. Right now, especially, people seem to be doing everything they can to assist their community.
Bargain hunters have stocked up on everything from hand sanitizer to mascara, and you might be surprised to find that your neighbors are willing to share their garage full of toilet paper.
Accessing Essential Goods
It can be difficult to access essential home goods like sanitation products. For rural communities, grocery stores have seen unprecedented demand and limited stock. For individuals looking to buy personal hygiene products, a little creative thinking may be required. Thankfully, there are plenty of options available.
From making your own disinfectant spray to finding a local support network, you have options if everything is out of stock at the grocery store.
Empty shelves and low supply is spurring people to be more self-sufficient. Plus, you may find that making your own hand sanitizer is easier than you thought. At-risk individuals may also be able to find community resources to make sure they get the supplies they need.
Kayla Matthews writes and blogs about healthy living, sustainable consumption, eco-friendly practices and green energy. In the past, her work has also been featured on GRIT, Mother Earth Living, Blue And Green Tomorrow, Dwell and Houzz. To read more from Kayla, follow her productivity and lifestyle blog, Productivity Theory, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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