5 Steps to Turn Your House into a Smart, Energy-Saving Home

Reader Contribution by Jennifer Tuohy and Home Depot
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Want to get smart about protecting the planet? The first thing you need to do is stop wasting Mother Earth’s precious resources in your home. Two years ago, America won the dubious honor of being the worldwide leader in wasting energy. Considering U.S. households use 25 percent of the energy the world consumes, reducing energy waste in the home is an essential step everyone can take to limit this negative impact.

Of course, this is old news to most eco-warriors, and the majority of Americans have been fed a steady diet of information about how to save energy at home for the last decade or two (thanks to the EPA’s Energy Star program). What is new, however, is that now our homes can help save energy all by themselves if we just give them the “smarts” to do so.

Here are the top five ways you can use home automation to turn your house into a smart, energy-saving abode:

1. Install a Smart Thermostat

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