Discover these healthy vegetable soup recipes perfect for your next meatless meal.
Vegetarian Meals
Hearty Vegetarian Vegetable Soups
In Three Delicious, Nourishing, Meatless Sandwiches (July/August 1977), we introduced you to Leona Farquhar, proprietress of The Merry Miller — a vegetarian restaurant and health food store here in Hendersonville — and natural foods chef extraordinaire.
Well, after the initial arm-twisting that went on before we were allowed to feature some of Leona’s sandwiches — and once Ms. Farquhar found she wouldn’t be besieged by so many new customers (as a result of the publicity) that she’d have to close up shop (after all, summer tourists may double Hendersonville’s population, but this is still a small town) — we had an easier time of it when we set out to persuade Leona to share some of her soup recipes.
Leona Farquhar makes one soup per day, from scratch and, while she varies her ingredients so that a given pottage is never quite the same from one making to the next, the results are always predictably delicious.
See the recipes for four of The Merry Miller’s good soups at the top of this article.