Using Alcohol in Your Cooking

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Alcohol works well in cooking because it has an incredibly strong scent.
Alcohol works well in cooking because it has an incredibly strong scent.
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“How to Taste” by Becky Selengut helps home cooks bring balance to their meals through proper seasoning.
“How to Taste” by Becky Selengut helps home cooks bring balance to their meals through proper seasoning.

How to Taste (Sasquatch Books, 2018), by Becky Selengut explains to readers how to properly taste your food and give it the seasoning it needs most. You will learn how to adjust dishes that are too salty or acidic, how to identify when a specific seasoning is missing, and how to use spices to balance your dishes. The following excerpt explains how to use alcohol when cooking.

Alcohol is volatile (evaporates easily) and when it evaporates up into your nose, flavor compounds from food hitch a ride. Simply stated, booze makes your food smell better. Compare the smell of lemonade to the smell of limoncello. No contest which one has a more powerful, intense lemon aroma. If you want to improve the aromatics of macerating cherries, hit them with a tiny splash of kirsch (cherry brandy)—but not too much or the smell of the alcohol itself will dominate. Likewise, add a spot of limoncello to a lemon tart for some heady next-level cooking.

Alcohol improves flavor by acting as a mediator between fat and water, bonding with both. Fat and water don’t bond well with each other, so by inviting booze into this molecular three-way, aromatic compounds (typically fat-soluble) in food (which is mostly water) can cross more easily into the promised land, aka your olfactory cells—command central for the perception of flavor.

Cooking with alcohol absolutely ups the flavor game in your cooking, but only when it makes sense (pro tip: not in guacamole). So pour a little booze into the pot and add it to sauces to dramatically increase the flavor quotient. Do keep in mind that it’s a myth that the alcohol burns off completely during cooking. In a flambé (does anyone still flambé?), 75 percent of the alcohol remains; in a braise that’s cooked for 2-1/2 hours, 5 percent is retained.

Probably most importantly, alcohol helps you to create memorable meals because of its social lubricant powers, putting people into a relaxed state where the food, the company, everything is a little bit more fun. Fact: your disaster of a dish tastes much better when you’re pleasantly buzzed.

  • Published on May 10, 2018
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