Probiotics found in sauerkraut provide many health benefits to your overall gut microbiome. Your microbiome is known as your digestive tract which is home to trillions of bacteria and has an enormous impact on your overall health. Research shows that gut bacteria can affect: brain function, skin health, and immune system strength. Also known as “your second brain” it’s safe to say we should be paying more attention to this very important part of ourselves!
Today I am sharing with you a twist on the traditional sauerkraut recipe. Instead of going savory, this procedure is more on the fruity, tart side. Introducing ginger, apple, and orange to the mix will still provide all the beneficial probiotics while getting creative with your fermentations.
Fermentation Procedure
Step 1: Shred one head of purple cabbage and add one table spoon of sea salt.
Step 2: Shred about two inches of ginger. Add more to your liking! I personally love ginger and have a really high tolerance for it so I added double the amount.
Step 3: Slice up two green apples into fairly thin pieces.
Step 4: Slice up one orange into thin slices.
Massage all the ingredients together in a large bowl for about five minutes. The cabbage will begin to “sweat” and release water. Locate your glass jar and grab your mixture in chunks trying to omit transferring all that released water. I recommend leaving your jar in a kitchen cabinet. Nice and room temperature away from sunlight. The perfect atmosphere for your mixture to ferment. Every two days open the lid to allow air flow after 5 to 7 days you can begin to eat or transfer to the fridge.
Enjoy your probiotic filled sauerkraut!
Taylor Gogginis tropical gardener in Florida who gained her skills in cooperative agriculture while work-trading with a World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) program on the Hawaiian Islands. She now grows papaya, banana, avocado, fig, tomatoes, and medicinal herbs to make into inventive plant-based recipes. Connect with Taylor on Instagram, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS postshere.
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