Ultra-Easy Tomato Sauce Recipe

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Photo courtesy mariontxa/Fotolia
This tomato sauce is one of the easiest you can ever make.


  • Tomatoes

    Optional: chopped celary, parsley, onion, basil, cilantro red peppers or Tabasco sauce.


  • Step One: Pick tomatoes, wash and remove cores, bag them and toss in the freezer. Forget about them until a winter day when you have some free time.Step Two: Dump the frozen tomatoes into hot water for a couple of minutes, just until you can easily slip off the skins. Put the skinned tomatoes into a pan and heat to boiling.Step Three: Strain in a colander to separate pulp from juice. Freeze in whatever size containers work best for you.

Most tomato sauce is made by cooking down the tomatoes to reduce the liquid. My method is easier and faster, plus it produces delicious tomato juice in addition to the thick pulp for sauces and other recipes. (If the only tomato juice you’ve ever tried is the thick, salty commercial stuff, you’ve got to try homemade — it’s way better!) Plus you can add whatever flavorings you want and make your own V3, V5 or even V8 — try finely chopped celery, onion, parsley, and basil or cilantro, for starters. Fresh hot peppers or a splash of Tabasco also make an excellent addition.

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