Tapping Trees and Making Syrup

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You can use anything hollow and hard—bamboo, plastic tubing, or even a curtain rod—for tapping trees.
You can use anything hollow and hard—bamboo, plastic tubing, or even a curtain rod—for tapping trees.
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Drill a hole, and insert your chosen tap gently. 
Drill a hole, and insert your chosen tap gently. 
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Use a bucket or milk jug to catch sap.
Use a bucket or milk jug to catch sap.
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Boiling your sap outdoors is a good option. Use a flat pan for the boiler and a smaller can suspended above as a preheater. The skimmer is for removing foam.
Boiling your sap outdoors is a good option. Use a flat pan for the boiler and a smaller can suspended above as a preheater. The skimmer is for removing foam.
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Strain the boiled syrup in a strainer bag and seal it in jars.
Strain the boiled syrup in a strainer bag and seal it in jars.

Steps 1-3 below describe the method for tapping trees. Steps four and five describe the method for making syrup.

[1] You’ll know that “sap’s up” when freezing nights are followed by warm–and usually sunny–days. Choose trees that are at least 10″ in diameter (except in the case of the canyon maple, which should be a full 8″) for single taps, 16″ for two taps, and 22″ or more for three taps. The spouts (also called spiles) can be made from sections of elderberry, sumac, bamboo, willow, or mullein stem with the pith removed … or you can use crimped pieces of curtain rod or lengths of plastic tubing.

[2] Drill a 3/4 “-diameter hole-from 2 ” to 3 ” deep-on the south side of each tree. Be sure the bore takes a slightly uphill angle, and is at a convenient height. (Sap flow is usually heaviest below a large limb or above a big root.) Tap the spile in gently to avoid splitting the wood.

[3] Hang a clean and rust-free bucket, a plastic milk jug, or some other one- to five-gallon container securely under your spout, making sure it’s adequately covered to keep out snow, rain, dirt, etc. Roughly speaking, you can expect 20 gallons of sap from each tap. You’ll need about 40 gallons to make 1 gallon of syrup. (Sap sours easily in warm weather, which means you must gather it frequently, keep it cool while it’s being stored, and boil it up as soon as possible. Clean plastic trash cans–set in the chilly outdoors–make good holding tanks.)

  • Published on Jul 14, 2012
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