Learn about this Steamed Fern Stems Recipe and how you can use this free wild food in a nutritious, delicious recipe.
Steamed Fern Stems Recipe
The two species of ferns that I depend on for food are the
common bracken fern (Pteridium Aquilinum) and
cinnamon fern (Osmunda Cinnamona). So far as I know there are no poisonous ferns if the new shoots only are eaten.
Health food enthusiasts would probably rather steam ferns.
To do this, pick, wash and strip a bunch of shoots (a good
handful or two pounds). Tie the bunch together and place
them stalk down in a large pan or double boiler. Add 1 1/2
inches of water and cover the pan and fern tips with
another pan. Bring to a boil and hold for about ten minutes
or until the stalks are tender. Remove, drain and keep the
liquid. Slice the cooked ferns crossways with a sharp
knife, place in a bowl and stir in 1/2 cup chopped hickory
nuts, 1/3 cup of vegetable oil and the original liquid from
cooking the ferns. Return to the fire warm up to a simmer
and hold for five minutes. Pour over thin, whole grain,
wheat bread toast.
Read more about finding wild edible foods: Foraging for Wild Edible Food.