Soybeans: A Perfect Meat Substitute and Power Protein

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My husband and I have not eaten meat for over two years. Instead, we use soybeans—along with raw peanuts, dairy products and eggs—as our main source of protein.

My husband and I have not eaten meat for over two years. Instead, we use soybeans–along with raw peanuts, dairy products and eggs–as our main source of protein. Amsoy beans are our favorites since they do not have black “eyes” and their flavor is better than most commercial varieties.

We grow our own soybeans but–if you can’t do the same–untreated, cleaned, certified seed beans are available for about $4.00 a bushel. Since the two of us use less than one bushel of soybeans a year, buying them is still much, much less expensive than purchasing or butchering one’s own meat.

Soybeans should be soaked overnight before use. Some of the natural food authorities advise that this soaking be done in the refrigerator to prevent the beans from fermenting but any cool spot should do. Once the beans have been soaked, however, they definitely should be stored in the refrigerator until used.

Preparing Soybeans

Cook the beans 1 1/2 to 2 hours in salted water to which a little butter or margarine has been added. A few shakes of sea salt, hickory smoked salt or chopped onion and tomatoes adds variety.

  • Published on Nov 1, 1970
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