This Soy-Enriched Bread Recipe is a healthy way to include protein-rich soybeans into your diet.
Soy-Enriched Bread Recipe
1 package dry yeast
3/4 cup warm water
1 tbsp shortening
1 tbsp turbinado sugar
1 1/2 tsp salt
4 cups whole wheat flour
Rehydrate the yeast in the water for 10 minutes. Add all other ingredients but the flour and mix together well. Then add 2 cups of the flour and stir it in until the mixture is smooth. Add the remaining 2 cups of flour, and knead until the dough is elastic.
Let the sponge rest at a temperature of about 86 degrees Fahrenheit until it has doubled in bulk. Then knead it some more, and form the dough into a loaf. Once again, let the dough double in size, then place it in a bread pan and bake at 400 degrees Fahrenheit for 40-45 minutes.
If you prefer to use your own bread recipe, simply substitute one-fourth cup of soy flour for one-fourth cup of other flour.
Read more about nutritious soybeans meals: Soybean Recipes: Increase Your Protein Content and Quality.