Soft Sourdough Pretzels Recipe

Reader Contribution by Renee Pottle
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Once you have eaten a soft, sourdough pretzel, all other pretzels will pale in comparison. These chewy bundles of delight are perfect dipped in whole grain mustard, washed down with a hearty beer. If you are lucky enough to live near a good, German-style bakery, go purchase some pretzels right now! If not, you can make them yourself.

Making sourdough pretzels is not much different from making any sourdough bread. There is one additional step, boiling the pretzels before baking to give them a chewy crust, but it doesn’t add too much time to the process.

Sourdough pretzels are heavy and flavorful. They bear absolutely no resemblance to the hard pretzels you find next to potato chips in the grocery store. They are much heartier than the pale, white mall pretzels, which are usually only good for dipping up hot processed cheese sauces. No, these pretzels are less snack food and more the backbone of a meal. Serve sourdough pretzels with an aged, sheep’s milk gouda, your favorite beer, my personal favorite Sea Dog Mustard from Raye’s Mustard and perhaps some good-quality sausage for a Sunday evening get-together.

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