Simply Abundant Living: Frugal Food Edition

Reader Contribution by Tina Ames
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Are you searching how to live on less due to limited funds, retirement, experiencing a job loss or simply want to live a lifestyle of sustainability? Spending less on food is vital. That doesn’t mean you have eat cheap boxes of fluorescent orange macaroni and cheese boxes along with ramen noodles. . .you can dine very well on a few dollars a day! It requires a little work but is so worth it. Here is how I do it. . .

I live with just my husband and dog now that our sons are grown – but throughout the past 30 years – we have budgeted just $2 per day per person for food.  The key is – you have to cook your food from scratch. That makes it so much healthier and cuts the cost. Read informative blogs and articles, watch YouTube videos, etc. for detailed how-to’s on practically everything food related!

For example –

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