Make an Apple Pie Sandwich

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Create a delicious sandwich with apples, cinnamon, cheese and bread. Tasty as apple pie!

Divine inspiration hits us all at one time or another.  Mine came after toting 100 pounds of food uphill to our cabin. 

I was fighting off exhaustion with the thought of hot apple pie we’d have for supper, but at the top, my lady informed me you can’t bake pies on a wood stove without cutting down a half acre of God’s own trees for fuel. My depression was humungous, and I shuffled downhill for another load. 

Then the Great Spirit came to the rescue, saying: 

“Country Pie Freak, despair not, but slice and parboil your softest apples and add brown sugar and cinnamon in a righteous fashion. Then make light brown toast, and slice up strips of goodly cheese. Lay the cheese around the perimeter of the toast, dump your apple mix in the center, and cap with another slice of toast. Fry in a buttered skillet till the cheese melts and becomes a sealer… Behold, hot apple pie sandwich!” 

Back at the hilltop, I related the vision to my lady, who forthwith made it reality. We were fulfilled! 

  • Published on Sep 1, 1972
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