How to Preserve Garlic in Oil

Wondering how to preserve peeled garlic? Or how to preserve garlic in oil? The following four ways to preserve garlic will ensure you have a year-round supply.

Reader Contribution by Ilene White Freedman and House In The Woods Farm
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by AdobeStock/Africa Studio

Wondering how to preserve peeled garlic? Or how to preserve garlic in oil? The following four ways to preserve garlic will ensure you have a year-round supply.

It’s March, and my garlic stash is diminishing and drying out. But that’s OK, I’m covered. I plan for this. I preserve garlic in a few different ways to ensure a year-round supply of farm garlic.

Over the years, I’ve come to know that some of those beautiful cured bulbs will stay firm, but most will be dried out by February. This makes sense. Word is that I should expect garlic to keep until New Year’s Day. Maybe ideal storage conditions, dry and cool and dark with good airflow, might extend this New Year’s prediction. But for years, I would be without farm garlic from February until May, when the first garlic scapes can be snapped off the plants. Now, I prepare for these gap months. I freeze chopped garlic and dehydrate garlic into powder so I can cook with farm garlic year-round.

Here are four ways to keep garlic so you, too, can cook with fresh garlic year-round.

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