Pickled Asparagus Recipe

Reader Contribution by Renee Pottle

It’s fresh asparagus season – one of my favorite times of the year! We eat lots of asparagus every spring; in stir-fries, grilled with olive oil and balsamic vinegar, steamed with lemon-pepper, even on pizza. But I always like to put some up as pickles too.

Pickled Vegetables For Good Health

Over the years I have shared many pickling recipes, like Pickled Cauliflower, Pickled Carrots, and my all-time favorite, Pickled Brussels sprouts. Pickled vegetables are a great way to jazz up your meals, especially in the late winter – early spring time when the grocery store vegetables are looking a little worse for the wear. Pickles have other benefits too. Eating pickles helps you lose weight – the sourness decreases your appetite – and many people swear that the vinegar helps to keep them healthy by boosting immunity. Pickled asparagus and other vegetables make a quick, easy, and unusual appetizer. Plus, your guests will think you are brilliant when they find the pickled asparagus is homemade. Just bask in the glow – they don’t have to know how easy it is! Of course, some days the pickling gods are just grouchy. Read about my less-than-perfect pickling experience on my Seed to Pantry blog.

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