Make the Best Apple Pie to Chase the Blues and Grays Away

Reader Contribution by Ric Bohy
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Some days on our homestead, apple pie is not just desired, it’s required.

This takes a little setup, so bear with me and we’ll get to what I’d stake is the true great American apple pie.

First, because I don’t believe in presenting an incomplete picture of life on Shuddering Squirrel Acres, since not everything is serene and beautiful all the time, I want describe how I came to bake this one.

I was out in the winter drizzle, mucking out the chicken run (a revolting chore even in bright sunshine), and noticed an unusual number of large birds enjoying flight high overhead. When you keep chickens, it’s good to have an eye on the sky for hawks, especially when there’s no light to cast a shadow and tip off your largely helpless flock. These, though, weren’t hawks.

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