Make Meals with Your Preserved Summer Harvest

Reader Contribution by Sheryl Campbell and The Lazy Farmer
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The first year I decided to preserve our summer harvest I got carried away. Our basement shelves groaned with canned green beans, spaghetti and tomato sauce, salsas, and pickles. Every fruit that grew on our property, or nearby farms, was cooked down into jams and pie fillings. The freezer was so full of corn, beans, and greens that we had to buy another one.

I put up more than we were capable of eating that year. I canned and froze many things just to discover that we didn’t like them, or I didn’t know how to incorporate them into meals. Over a decade later, I’ve gained experience in reliving the delight of summer through our winter meals. 

I’ve also learned to simplify. The following tips save me untold hours of work each summer and add a fresher taste to our winter meals:

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