Old-Fashioned Grape Juice Recipe

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by Adobestock/dolphy_tv

Lois Diguglielmo shares her grandmother’s old-fashioned grape juice recipe with concord grapes and tips to make grape juice the old-fashioned way.

For those of us whose goal is eventual self-sufficiency, harvest time has a way of changing from a joyous celebration of reaping to a nightmarish race against the clock. Anyone who tries to raise and preserve a year’s supply of food knows the helpless feeling of watching fruits and vegetables relentlessly mature while the pile of undone preserving and storing tasks diminishes so slowly.

As September approached last year, I found myself — as usual — in just such a predicament . . . for no matter how hard I try to plan my fall work, I always end up with more to preserve than I have hours to do the job. I wanted to cry as I watched a beautiful box of purple Concord grapes grow riper and riper. With my corn at its peak and three bushels of peaches at my feet, I felt sure that the sweet clusters would be good for little else but wine by the time I got to them. Once again, nature’s generosity had clashed with my scheduling.

“What are you going to do with those?” my mother asked, pointing at the box of grapes.

“Make grape juice. The kids love juice. But how? I’ll have to cook, and strain, and . . . oh, I . . . .” I was truly beside myself. We worked in silence, our minds searching for a solution, until — suddenly — my mother came up with a recollection of “how Grandma did it”.

  • Updated on Sep 14, 2023
  • Originally Published on Sep 1, 1975
Tagged with: concord grapes, grape juice, grape recipes, grapes
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