Learn How to Sharpen a Knife

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This is a three-sided oilstone. And yes, that is duct tape holding the base together. It's old but it won't quit.
This is a three-sided oilstone. And yes, that is duct tape holding the base together. It's old but it won't quit.
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This is the bevel: the tiny line of shiny metal that runs along the edge of the knife. If you look very closely at it, you will see its angle. This is actually what does the cutting.
This is the bevel: the tiny line of shiny metal that runs along the edge of the knife. If you look very closely at it, you will see its angle. This is actually what does the cutting.
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Begin sharpening on the coarse stone, keeping in mind that laying the knife flat against the stone will not sharpen it. You must angle the knife so that the stone contacts the very sharpest part of the knife from its edge to the end of the bevel.
Begin sharpening on the coarse stone, keeping in mind that laying the knife flat against the stone will not sharpen it. You must angle the knife so that the stone contacts the very sharpest part of the knife from its edge to the end of the bevel.
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Repeat the same sequence of strokes, listed in step 1 of the article, on a medium stone.
Repeat the same sequence of strokes, listed in step 1 of the article, on a medium stone.
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After switching to the fine stone, repeat the sharpening process for a third time.
After switching to the fine stone, repeat the sharpening process for a third time.
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Being careful not to run your hand or fingers across the edge of the blade, run the flat of two or three fingers along the edge from the thick back part of the blade to the tip to see if you can feel a catch or very tiny hitch on the edge of the newly sharpened blade.
Being careful not to run your hand or fingers across the edge of the blade, run the flat of two or three fingers along the edge from the thick back part of the blade to the tip to see if you can feel a catch or very tiny hitch on the edge of the newly sharpened blade.
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Turn the knife and repeat step 4.
Turn the knife and repeat step 4.
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The steel is designed to straighten the edge of the knife, not to sharpen it. Just glide your knife along the steel, front and back.
The steel is designed to straighten the edge of the knife, not to sharpen it. Just glide your knife along the steel, front and back.
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"The Gourmet Butcher's Guide to Meat" by Cole Ward with Karen Coshof demystifies the process of getting meat to the table in a way that will be welcome to those who not only wish to learn the basics of butchery, but also want to understand how meat animals are raised, slaughtered and marketed.

In The Gourmet Butcher’s Guide to Meat, (Chelsea Green, 2014), Vermont-based master butcher Cole Ward provides a comprehensive guide to artisanal butchery that goes well beyond conventional “do-it-yourself” books. Cole aims to change the conversation and revive a traditional art that, once in jeopardy, is being seen as an increasingly important part of the local-food movement. Use the instructions in the following excerpt to learn how to sharpen a knife like a professional.

Buy this book from the MOTHER EARTH NEWS store: The Gourmet Butcher’s Guide to Meat.

How to Sharpen a Knife

You’ll need two tools: an oilstone and a steel. Oh, oops, and your knife.

I use a three-sided oilstone with a reservoir incorporated into the bottom for mineral oil. It’s actually a multi-tool, with three stones mounted on it. You simply grasp the handles on each end, then lift the tool and turn it to expose the stone you want to use for sharpening. The three stones are graded coarse, medium, and fine. You will need all three surfaces as you work to sharpen a knife.

  • Published on May 30, 2014
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