A few years ago, I had the privilege of living on acreage. There was no excuse to not have a compost pile. And another reason for having a compost pile was the fact I was on a raw food diet which meant lots and lots of leftover orange and banana skins!
Time to Get Digging
To get this project off the ground, I enlisted the help of my buddy, John M. He’d been to agriculture college back in the UK, so he knew what he was doing!
Go Raw Lose Weight
At this time, I mentioned I was on a raw food diet, courtesy of Go Raw Lose Weight; therefore I was piling up lots’n’lots of orange peels and banana skins. And shedding weight to boot!
I’d keep my compost skins in an old ice cream tub, and take a daily walk over to the compost bin to empty the tub.
Another John Came to My Rescue
A couple of days ago, John Quinn, a Re-Max Realtor who’s into gardening, wrote to show me his article on How to Compost at Home. I wrote about it on my page: Garden and Compost Bin. His article really goes into depth on what to PUT IN the compost pile, and just as important: What NOT to put in a compost pile!
Take Time to Recycle
I hope this post has inspired YOU to compost your leftover food scraps. You probably don’t need a compost bin the size of mine in your garden, you might just want to get a small bin that has the capability to rotate on a shaft with the simple turn of a handle!
Now that’s easy, and that’s what Easy Food Dehydrating is all about.
All photos courtesy of Easy Food Dehydrating, and John Quinn Realtor.
Since December of 2010, Susan Gast has operated Easy Food Dehydrating, a website dedicated to dehydrating fresh fruits and vegetables, and cooked meats. Susan teaches you how to safely store your goodies too – for long-term food storage. Keep your pantry full – whatever the reason or season! To read all of Susan’s posts, please visit this page on MOTHER EARTH NEWS.
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