Try this easy to make homemade honey substitute recipe.
Be a Bee: Make “Honey”
A friend of mine, here in Alaska, makes his own honey substitute. Here is the recipe:
10 cups sugar
1 teaspoon alum
2 cups fireweed blossoms
1 cup red clover blossoms
2 1/2 cups white clover blossoms
Boil the water, sugar and alum for 10 minutes. Remove from heat. Rinse blossoms in strainer and drain well. Be sure not to leave any green parts on blossoms or honey will be grassy tasting. Stir in blossoms and steep for three hours. Remove flowers; strain through cheesecloth if necessary. Reheat to a boil, then pour into jars and seal. Makes about seven 8-ounce jars.
— Margie Buchwalter
Bethel, Alaska