There’s always a bit of ham leftover from a baked ham. I always save that last bit for future bean pots but sometimes there’s more than needed. That’s when I make up a tub of deviled ham spread. It’s something like the old classic Underwood that comes in the paper-wrapped can, but it’s better, fresher and I know exactly what’s in it.
And, it seems nearly free for the making. Probably all the ingredients are already on hand. You’ll want a mini-prep food processor for this.
This recipe comes out a little on the spicy side, with a definite bite. If you’re serving small children or a “delicate palate” leave out the Colman’s. If you taste and think it could be spicier, add maybe a drop of Tabasco sauce. Here’s the recipe for the sweet pickles I use.
Makes 7 ounces
• About 6 ounces of cooked, leftover baked ham
• 2 tbsp diced sweet pickle
• 2 tbsp mayonnaise
• 1 tsp Dijon mustard
• ¼ tsp Colman’s Mustard powder*
• 1 tsp syrup from the pickles
• 2 dashes Worcestershire sauce
• several grinds of the pepper mill
1. Cut the ham into small chunks, less than an inch and put into the bowl of the mini-prep. Give it a couple pulses to get started.
2. Add in the rest of the ingredients and process to a nice spread, not quite smooth. Stop a time or two to scrape down the sides. When it’s almost smooth, give it a taste and decide if it needs more zing for your taste. Add a drop of Tabasco or maybe a dribble of pickle syrup or a dab of mustard.
3. Spoon the spread into a crock, cover tightly and store in the fridge. It will keep for at least several days. Serve as a cold sandwich spread or on crackers for a quick nibble.
Wendy Akin is happy to share her years of traditional skills knowledge. Over the years, she’s earned many state fair ribbons for pickles, relishes, preserves and special condiments, and even a few for breads. Read all of Wendy’s MOTHER EARTH NEWS posts here.
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