GMO Debate Continues as Studies of Herbicides Reveal Chronic Health Problems

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Photo by Fotolia/Rob Byron
Washington state pushes for I-522, the initiative to include GMOs on food labels.

Are GMOs bad for your health? The debate rages on.

But no one disputes this fact: It takes tons of herbicides — hundreds of thousands of tons per year — to grow the GMO crops that end up in the world’s food supply, including in the food fed to the animals we eat.

All that poison doesn’t just go away. It ends up on our food, in our soil, in our water.

It’s time to stop Monsanto’s reckless poisoning of our food and our planet. Your donation today will help us continue the battle for GMO labeling laws and expose GMO crops for what they are: an excuse for Monsanto to sell billions of dollars’ worth of poisons. Click here for details on how you can donate online, by phone or by mail.

Glyphosate, the key ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is the most heavily used herbicide on GMO crops. In 2007, the last year for which we have reliable statistics, U.S. farmers used 88,000 tons of glyphosate. Allowing for no increases, that amounts to 580,000 tons of glyphosate dumped onto our food and into our soil and water in the past six years alone.

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