Gluten-Free Cooking with Cookbook Authors

Reader Contribution by Wendy Gregory Kaho
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Nothing gets my creative cooking juices flowing more than meeting cookbook authors and watching them make their recipes. Andrea Chesman did two vegetable cooking demos at the Mother Earth News Fair last September that had me running to the bookstore booth to pick up her Serving Up the Harvestand Recipes from the Root Cellar. While her books aren’t gluten-free, they are vegetable-based and easily adaptable. Her enthusiasm for vegetables and her globally spiced recipes had me excited to get home and put her cookbooks to work in my kitchen with produce from the farmers’ market. 

An opportunity to meet gluten and allergy-free cookbook authors is almost here. The Gluten and Allergen Free Expo will be in Chicago April 28-May 1. I have books from almost all of the presenters at the Expo and I can’t wait to see them in action during the two days of gluten and allergen free cooking classes. Carol Fenster is teaching 3 hour gluten-free baking class on Friday, April 29th. There will also be training for chefs and culinary students on allergen-free restaurant kitchens on Thursday. All of this and a vendor fair with over 70 vendors will give attendees plenty of gluten-free eating choices, recipes, and inspiration.

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