Garlic as Medicine

Taking a garlic immune booster can do wonders to help your immune system strengthen up with the changing seasons. Garlic as medicine can be a powerful ally.

Reader Contribution by Ilene White Freedman
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by AdobeStock/YB

Taking a garlic immune booster can do wonders to help your immune system strengthen up with the changing seasons. Garlic as medicine can be a powerful ally.

As the weather transitions from winter to spring, you might find yourself needing an immune booster to keep your body strong. As we shed our winter coats a little too soon, and spring allergies begin to lower our immunity, we need an immune booster to keep the common cold at bay.

What’s your natural wellness aid? At the first sign of a cold, a sore throat, fatigue that hints of fighting illness, a pain in my ear … I take some raw garlic. I would say I “eat” raw garlic, but I am hardly eating it. It is more like taking important medicine.

A Dose of Garlic

Select the best garlic you can find. Hard-neck garlic is stronger than soft-neck, so maybe it is more vibrant in its medicinal strength as well. I do not know if regular grocery store garlic is irradiated and weakened or killed off. It would be a good test.

  • Updated on Aug 13, 2023
  • Originally Published on Nov 6, 2020
Tagged with: colds and flus, food therapy, garlic, Ilene White Freedman, Maryland, Reader Contributions
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