This Fried Sardines Recipe is a quick and easy way to cook with canned sardines.
Fried Sardines Recipe
Two 3 3/4 ounce cans of sardines
1 egg
2 tbsp soy sauce
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup oil
Drain the oil from two 3 3/4-ounce cans of sardines into a skillet. Then break an egg into a bowl and whip it until the yolk and white are well mixed. At that point add 3/4 cup of water and 2 tablespoons of soy sauce to the egg and mix everything together. As you continue this mixing, blend in (a little at a time) 1/2 cup of whole wheat flour to form a smooth batter.
OK. Now dredge (very carefully, so they don’t fall apart) your fish in some additional flour (so, later on, the batter will stick to them). Then put 1/2 cup of oil (I prefer light sesame) into the frying pan, add the rest of the oil from the sardine can, and heat all the shortening to a moderate temperature. When the oil is hot, dip the sardines in the batter and fry them until they’re brown (about 3 minutes per side). If you wish, you can spoon extra batter over each fish before you turn it.
Remove the fried sardines from the skillet, drain and serve ’em with butter and lemon juice. Or sprinkle a little soy sauce over ’em. With corn on the cob and a spicy salad, they’re hard to beat!
Read more about using sardines in meals: Cooking With Sardines: Unique Sardine Recipes.