A Reader’s Food Tips

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Among the food tips offered by Mrs New was a biscuits recipe.

The following scraps of wisdom come from experience. I learned most of these food tips “the hard way,” and I hope by passing them along I can make life just a little easier for a few other folks.

Chicken Care Tips

First: Never, never clean a chicken house and disinfect it completely. Always leave a few droppings scattered about. Chicken manure, as many of you know, is high in protein . . . in fact, this substance is so protein-rich that it’s being pelletized now and fed as a body-building ration to beef cattle. So it naturally follows that each hen — while she scratches and mulls around — will ingest whatever she needs. Should you clean all the droppings away, however, you might find your birds becoming so “meat hungry” that they’ll start to peck at each other. And that cannibalism can grow until you end up with a bunch of dead chickens.

Tip two: Don’t ever try to set an old biddy hen on a concrete floor, even if you have a six-inch layer of dirt over it. Her eggs — at least most of them — will just lie there and rot.

Preserving and Cooking Green Beans

  • Published on Nov 1, 1980
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