Eat More Leafy Vegetable Greens with this Salad Recipe

Reader Contribution by John D. Ivanko and Inn Serendipity

We’ve all heard about eating the whole animal.  How about eating every edible part, especially the leaves, of broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts?

That’s exactly what chef Davin Waite advises. He owns one of southern California’s hottest sushi restaurants, the Wrench and Rodent Seabasstropub, in Oceanside, California. His Honey Sriracha Greens, the recipe he shares below, knocked out our taste buds on a recent culinary tour there guided by Stephanie Parker, owner of Epicurean San Diego

Like many homesteaders, we savor salads nearly year-round, and have our favorite go-to salad dressing recipes, like our Balsamic Honey and Ranch dressings from our cookbook, Farmstead Chef.  Now Chef Waite’s salad will be added to our list, since it will help us savor our greens well into early winter.

His salads often use organic greens and other fresh produce he gets from Cyclops Farm just up the road. That said, he loves experimenting with parts of the edible plants that usually end up in a compost pile – especially by most restaurant chefs who prefer to use only the perfect-looking ingredients, eschewing the rest, thinking they’re somehow inferior because they’re less familiar or oddly shaped. They’re not, as evidenced by us devouring every last green on our plate (with chopsticks, of course).

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