Delicious and Beneficial: Water Kefir Soda-Making 101

Reader Contribution by Sarah C.
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My family goes through a 1-liter bottle of water kefir soda every night at dinner. We look forward to having

a delicious and bubbly treat on a daily basis. My four-year-old calls it “sparkly juice,” and loves judging the quality based on how much it makes his nose tickle.

What exactly is water kefir soda? Well, I describe it as pop that makes you forgo buying cans from the store, all while making your tummy happy. The experts call it a “probiotic beverage made with kefir grains that consist of bacteria and yeast existing in a symbiotic relationship.”

The grains involved are not actual grains that contain gluten, but rather something that looks like rock candy. When added to a sugar water solution, the grains “consume” the majority of the sugar, and produce an effect that is similar to carbonation. The liquid that remains contains less sugar than it started with, and it is a great base for being creative with flavors.

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