Cinnamon Snail Bread in a 6-Quart Dutch Oven

Reader Contribution by Wendy Akin
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Going steps further in my mission to create Dutch oven breads, I turn now to some fancier, filled type breads. Be sure to check back to “Whole-Grain Artisan Breads for a Dutch Oven” to see the basics, including the math to convert to a smaller Dutch oven. Read all the way through the recipe before starting to make sure you have all the ingredients and equipment on hand.

This hearty wheat loaf with its gooey cinnamon filling will be a family favorite. When cut, this loaf reminds one of the Scandinavian Potica, though it’s not quite as elaborate. To get closer to that wonderful loaf, make a filling of honey, cinnamon and ground walnuts.

Cinnamon Snail Bread Recipe


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