Chile, Mustard and Pickled Celery Salami Recipe

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A salami will lose almost 40 percent of its weight before it is done.
A salami will lose almost 40 percent of its weight before it is done.
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“Pure Charcuterie” by Meredith Leigh walks readers through curing and cooking their own meats at home.
“Pure Charcuterie” by Meredith Leigh walks readers through curing and cooking their own meats at home.


  • 4 lb. pork lean trim (80 percent)
  • 1 lb. pork back fat (20 percent)
  • 2.5 oz. salt
  • 0.2 oz. Cure number 2
  • 1.6 oz. organic dextrose
  • 0.5 oz. black pepper
  • 1.5 oz. pickled celery leaves, minced
  • 0.3 oz. ground guajillo chile pepper
  • 0.1 oz. ground mustard
  • 0.5 oz. minced garlic
  • T-SPX starter culture
  • 1 cup red wine
  • 12–14 feet of beef middle casings
  • Penicillium nalgiovense culture


  • 1. Mix about 2 tsp of the starter culture into 1/4 cup of room-temperature water. Set aside.2. Combine the lean trim with all the seasonings and grind through the fine die of your meat grinder. Set aside. Next, grind the fat through the coarse die of your meat grinder. Combine the lean meat mixture with the fat, using your gloved hands, then add in the wine and the starter culture. Mix with your hands or in a stand mixer for at least a minute, then transfer the entire mixture to the refrigerator for 24 hours. This will increase bind and meld flavor.3. The next day, prepare beef middle casings and stuff the salami mixture into them, stopping every foot to 18 inches and tying off the ends. Link each 12–18-inch sausage in the middle, to form two salamis, each 6–9 inches long. Tie twine at each end and in between the links. Prick the salamis thoroughly, then weigh them and record their weight.4. Spray the salamis with Penicillium nalgiovense, diluted according to package instructions.5. Hang to ferment and dry, aiming at 60–65 degrees and 65–75 percent humidity. Don’t worry if humidity increases at first, while fermentation is happening. The salami is done when it has lost 30–40 percent of its starting weight.

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    Reprinted with permission from Pure Charcuterie, by Meredith Leigh and published by New Society, 2018.

Pure Charcuterie (New Society, 2018) by Meredith Leigh combines the precision, balance, and creativity of cooking to bring readers guide on curing meats at home, as well as recipes to cook their home cured meats. Leigh gives tips on sourcing and smoking your own meats, accompanied by photos and clear explanations. The following excerpt is her Chile, Mustard and Pickled Celery Salami recipe.

This is the craziest thing I have ever made. It blooms on your tongue with layers of umami, and is truly unlike any other salami I have ever had.

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