Monsanto’s Minions Attack Californians’ Right to Know About GMOs

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The Organic Consumers Association is a non-profit public interest oganization, which campaigns for health, justice, sustainability, peace and democracy.

On February 19th, the Sacramento Bee ran an opinion piece by Dan Morain full of lies about the California ballot initiative campaign to label GMOs. We asked our members to set the record straight by reading our rebuttal and posting comments to the article on the Sacramento Bee website (see below).

A flood of comments ensued, prompting the Bee to shut down the comment function. Then, on Saturday, Stuart Leavenworth, the Bee’s editorial page editor, published a piece attacking the OCA that, like Morain’s editorial, parrots Monsanto’s talking points with no regard for the truth.

Again, we ask you to read Leavenworth’s article and our point-by-point rebuttal, then post a comment defending freedom of speech and our right to know what’s in our food. Please be polite and professional!

1. “Dan has his own personal views on this topic, which aren’t necessarily those of the editorial board. Starting in 2004, the editorial board opined that foods that include genetically modified organisms (GMOs) should be labeled. As The Bee stated in an editorial that year, ‘In the long run it should help, not hurt, the food industry by building consumer confidence, which is why food companies should embrace independent study and labeling.'”

The Bee knows they aren’t going to get very far contradicting the opinion of 93% of the public who  support of our right to know what’s in our food. Instead of attacking the CA ballot initiative to label genetically engineered food, they attack the initiative’s supporters and spin lies about what might happen if the initiative passes…

  • Published on Mar 1, 2012
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