OK, Homesteaders . . . here’s the last installment of
Morton Salt’s superior booklet, A COMPLETE GUIDE TO HOME
MEAT CURING. A previous issue of MOTHER EARTH NEWS took you through cutting and
curing beef, veal, and wild game. This final section tells
Although we’ve serialized the complete handbook, we still
advise you to add the manual
to your farmstead bookshelf. It’s packed with valuable
information on butchering, cutting up, and curing pork,
beef, veal, lamb, poultry, and wild game.
Again, our special thanks to Murray J. Pearthree, Morton
Salt Regional Sales Manager, for granting us written
permission to reprint from the booklet.
Carving Lamb
The flesh of lamb is light pink, deepening in color as it
ages. The lamb meat is firm and fine grained, the fat is
white, hard, and flaky.
The lamb carcass, like beef, has thirteen pairs of ribs.
Ordinarily the lamb carcass is not split. In warm weather,
however, the carcass may be split in halves down the
backbone with a meat saw to aid in chilling. A sharp
butcher knife, saw, cleaver, and boning knife are the
necessary tools for cutting up the lamb carcass. There are
many different ways of cutting the lamb carcass. Just how
the cuts are made depends a good deal on how the meat is to
be used, whether most of it is to be used up fresh, canned,
or cured. The larger cuts, like the legs and shoulders, are
the best cuts for curing. A leg of lamb, when neatly
trimmed and cured, has somewhat the appearance of a ham.
Corned lamb is easy to make and the breast and shank are
good cuts for corning. One of the best ways to use the
small pieces and trimmings is to make lamb patties or lamb
and pork sausage.
REMOVING THE SHOULDER Saw off the shoulder
between the fifth and sixth ribs, as ordinarily a five rib
chuck is preferable. After the shoulder is removed, cut off
the neck on a line flush with the top of the shoulder, and
saw off the shank. Separate the right and left shoulders by
sawing through the backbone. Where a narrow shoulder is
preferred, saw between the third and fourth ribs instead of
between the fifth and sixth.
carcass on its side with the legs toward you and remove the
breast with a saw, cutting forward from the flank.
remove the rack cut between the last two ribs and complete
the cut with a saw through the backbone.
The rack is used for making a crown roast or, after
splitting, rib chops are cut from the rack.
is separated from the leg at the small of the back or at
the pin bone.
Start the cut with a knife and complete with the saw
through the backbone.
REMOVING LAMB SIRLOIN The sirloin is cut
from the loin end of the carcass in whatever thickness is
desired, The sirloin makes an excellent small size roast. Finish by sawing through the backbone.
separated by splitting them down the center with the saw.
SHOULDER A long cut shoulder is used for
making a boneless rolled shoulder. Remove the neck bone and
ribs from the shoulder. Next unjoint the shoulder blade and
remove arm and blade bones, working from the inside of the
shoulder. Unjoint and remove arm bone from the shank and
remove meat from around joint end of shank bone.
The shoulder is then rolled and tied, making an attractive
long cut boneless shoulder. This can be used fresh as a
roast or can be pumped and cured with Tender-Quick.
NECK Cut the neck in slices about
three-quarters to one inch thick. They can be used for
braising, stewing, or cooking in casserole. Another method
of serving is to remove bone from the center of the slices
and fill with sausage made from the trimmings.
SHANK Remove the shank when making a
square cut lamb shoulder where it is desired to cure the
shoulder, make shoulder chops, or to bone and roll the
shoulder. The shank is used for stewing, meat broth, or
small shank roast.
BREAST The breast, when boned and rolled, makes an
attractive cut. Remove rib ends and breast bone and roll by
starting at the shank, rolling tightly, and tie with heavy
cord. The rolled breast is used for roast or for curing and
RACK An attractive crown roast of lamb or
rib chops is made from the rack. For making rib chops,
split the rack lengthwise through the center and make chops
by slicing between the ribs.
CROWN ROAST OF LAMB For making a crown
roast the size of the roast depends on the number of ribs
used. It is difficult to make a crown roast of lamb unless
there are about six or eight ribs cut from each side of the
rack. Usually eight ribs are used for the average size
For making a crown roast, place the rack rib side up and
saw ribs from each side of the backbone.
Then trim out the backbone with a knife without separating
the sets of ribs. Next remove a strip of meat about two
inches wide from the end of the ribs and trim out meat
between the ends of the ribs by trimming down one side of
the rib, across and up on the next rib.
Bend the rack and mold into shape and tie the two sets of
ribs together. Paper frills placed on the ends of the ribs
add to the attractive appearance of the crown roast after
it is cooked.
When cooking wrap rib ends with salt pork and fill crown
with bread stuffing.
LOIN The loin may be boned, rolled, and tied for making
into a delicious, easily carved roast, or it may be cured
and canned. To bone the loin, loosen the tenderloin on each
side of the backbone, pulling the tenderloin back, then
remove the ribs and backbone. After the loin is boned,
tightly roll it and tie with strong white cord. Lamb chops
may also be cut from the loin.
The thin outer membrane or fell should be removed from the
chop cuts like rack and loin before cooking.
FLANK The flank makes an excellent piece
for stewing when cut into small chunks, or it can be ground
up with other trimmings for making lamb patties.
SIRLOIN The sirloin makes a small roast of
excellent quality when boned, rolled, and tied. After
sirloin is removed from the rack, trim out the backbone and
hip bones.
When bones are removed, mold and roll the sirloin into
shape, tying together with heavy cord at the flesh ends.
LEG The lamb leg, when neatly trimmed in the regular manner, as
pictured above, makes an excellent piece for pumping and
curing. It has somewhat the shape and appearance of a ham
and after curing can be wrapped and kept for future use.
One of the best ways to use the small pieces and trimmings
is to make lamb patties or cured lamb and pork sausage.
Lamb patties are improved by adding one-third pork, which
tends to bind them together and prevent crumbling when
For using the lamb leg fresh, the two most popular methods
are to make either a French or American style leg.
FRENCH STYLE LEG The first step in making a French style leg involves scoring
around the leg about two inches above the joint.
CUT AT BREAK JOINT Next cut at the break
joint on inside of leg. The break joint is indicated by
faint jagged lines just above the hock joint.
BREAK OVER TABLE EDGE After cutting at the
break joint, grasp shank and bend down over edge of table
until broken.
Next, twist shank until it comes free from the leg bone.
AMERICAN STYLE LEG The American style leg
has most of the bone removed and when cooked will fit into
a smaller pan or oven than the French style.
First, cut across break joint and remove shank bone, then
cut meat with point of knife down each side of leg bone and
remove leg bone at knuckle joint. Slit a pocket by
separating fell from meat on inside of leg and tuck shank
meat into this pocket. Use small skewers to hold shank meat
in place.
Curing Meat
First pump the larger pieces, and pieces that have
bone, with a Tender-Quick pumping pickle, pumping 1 oz. to
1 1/2 oz. of pickle per pound of meat. The pumping pickle
is made by mixing 2 lbs. of Tender-Quick per gallon of
After the meat is pumped, use about 6 lbs. Tender-Quick per
100 lbs. of meat. Divide the Tender-Quick into
approximately three equal parts and first rub the meat with
one-third of the Tender-Quick. Then in three or four hours
rub on the second one-third, and after twenty-four hours
rub on the balance. Pack the meat in a stone crock, box, or
barrel for curing, putting the large pieces on the bottom
and the smaller ones on top. Overhaul and repack the meat
in a different position when the curing time is about
one-half up.
The meat should remain in cure for about 1 1/2 days per
pound; for example, 6-lb. pieces 9 days 10-lb. pieces 15
days. Where a light cure is desired, leave the meat in cure
only one day per pound
When the curing time is finished, brush off the surplus
cure, or lightly wash each piece in tepid water and let the
meat drain thoroughly. After the pieces are thoroughly dry,
wrap them in parchment paper and hang away in the driest,
coolest, best-ventilated place available. If the meat is
damp when hung away, or kept in a damp warm place, it will
mold much faster than if it kept dry and cool and in a well
ventilated place. A little mold, however, does not hurt the
meat as it can easily be washed off with vinegar or trimmed
off when the meat is used.
After the meat is pumped, pack it in a stone crock or
clean, well scalded barrel, putting the heavy pieces at the
bottom and lighter ones on top. Then mix a TenderQuick
curing pickle at the rate of 2 lbs. Tender-Quick per gallon
of water. The water should be previously boiled and allowed
to cool. Stir the curing pickle until the Tender-Quick is
completely dissolved. Pour the curing pickle over the meat
until the meat pack begins to shift, then weight the meat
down with a clean stone or other weight and pour in enough
additional curing pickle so that the top layer of meat is a
few inches below the pickle. It will take five or six
gallons of curing pickle for 100 lbs. of meat, depending on
how closely the meat is packed.
Leave the meat in the curing pickle about 2 days per pound.
Where a light cure is desired, leave the meat in cure 1 1/2
days per pound. The meat should be overhauled and the
position of the pieces changes when the curing time is
about one-half up. When overhauling, it is best to remove
the pickle, then change the position of the pieces by
repacking, and pour the pickle back over the meat.
After the curing time is up, wash the meat in tepid water
and let it dry thoroughly. When it is thoroughly dry, wrap in
parchment paper and hang away in a cool, dry,
well-ventilated place.
Keeping Cured Meats
Meat that is properly cured will keep for many months,
the exact time depending upon the strength of the cure, the
kind and cut of meat, and the care with which it is wrapped
and stored.
Meat to be used shortly after it comes from the cure should
not be given as heavy a cure as meat that is to be kept for
a long time.
Very often someone will state that the meat they have just
cured is too salty. This should be controlled by the
individual when putting the meat in cure. Meat that is to
be used up soon should have a light cure and should not
remain in the cure longer than the necessary curing time.
Weather conditions help control the length of time meat
should cure for best results, as it requires longer for
meat to take the salt if the weather remains really cold than
it does during favorable curing weather.
Bacon is usually at its best shortly after it comes from
the cure and for this reason most people prefer to use up
the bacon during the spring and early summer. When properly
cured and wrapped, however, bacon can be kept over for a
good while, but should not be kept longer than a year.
Bacon has a high percent of fat meat and fat meat turns
yellow and gets rancid quicker than lean meat.
Shoulders should be used up before the hams as shoulders
are more apt to crack open and allow mold to penetrate.
Hams usually improve with age, being at their best after
they are about a year old.
Beef and mutton do not keep as well as pork and therefore
should be used up sooner.
Regardless of the way the meat was cured, or the kind of
meat, proper care when storing: the meat is necessary if it
is to be kept in good condition for any length of time.
Following are some of the points to observe for keeping
1. Keep meat dry. The moisture in the air of the room where
meat is stored will condense on the meat and favor
bacterial growth. Moisture will also cause mold to develop
more rapidly.
2. Keep meat cool. Heat also encourages bacterial activity,
causing decay.
3. Keep well ventilated. Meat absorbs flavors and odors
very rapidly. Ventilation will keep the air free from
taints, as well as prevent the condensation of moisture on
the meat.
4. Keep meat away from direct light. Direct sunlight
discolors meat. Therefore the place where the meat is
stored should be kept dark. This will also help keep
flies away.
5. Keep each piece separate. If the pieces of meat touch or
hang too close together, it will prevent free air
circulation and sweating will often take place at the point
of contact.
6. Keep meat storage room screened. Flies, rats, and mice
should never be allowed to get in the room where meat is
stored, and flies should not be allowed to light on the
meat as they carry bacteria which can cause decay and
actual spoilage.
SKIPPERS The skipper is the larva of a
small black fly which is found in most sections of the
country. These flies are small enough to go through
ordinary window screening and for this reason a very fine
screening should be used for protecting meat storage rooms.
The fly lays eggs in the crevices of the meat and the
skipper hatches out and feeds on the meat.
The skipper is a slender white maggot about 1/3 of an inch
long when full grown. The skipper burrows into the interior
of the meat, eating out the meat tissues until the entire
piece of meat is ruined.
As the skipper fly is not active during cold weather, the
best time to butcher and cure meat that is to be kept for
some time is during the winter months. The curing box or
curing room should be protected with a fine mesh screen and
the meat should be washed and wrapped as soon as practical
after curing in order to fully protect it.
WRAPPING After curing, meat should be
wrapped only when it has been allowed to thoroughly dry.
When meat is not wrapped after it is dry, a slow oxidation
of fat takes place, which causes rancidness, dark color,
and strong flavor. Wrapping meat tends to prevent this,
besides furnishing the best possible protection against
flies and other insects.
Before wrapping meat, sage or black and red pepper or other
spices may be rubbed lightly on each piece of meat for
added flavor.
Wrap the meat first in cheesecloth or unbleached muslin and
wrap each piece separately. Clean flour or cornmeal sacks
make satisfactory wrapping for meat. Next wrap the meat
tightly in paper. Parchment paper is excellent but any
heavy plain paper will do. After wrapping, put the meat in
bags or wrap again in heavy brown paper. It is difficult to
prevent some mold from forming. With cloth next to the
meat, however, much of the mold that forms will be removed
with the cloth whereas if paper is next to the meat it will
stick to the meat and be hard to remove.
Turn the strings in before wrapping. Do not hang the meat
in storage by strings that are tied directly to the meat.
The wrapped meat should be tied tightly and looped from the
outside and hung by this outside string, If a paper bag is
used, fold the top of the bag over several times and tie it
tightly. If the meat is simply wrapped in paper, it is a
good idea to seal the edges with glue. Further protection
can be added by painting the entire outside of the entire
piece of wrapped meat with yellow wash or with ordinary
lime wash to which glue has been added.
YELLOW WASH The following is a standard
formula for yellow wash and is sufficient for about 100
lbs. of meat:
1 oz Dry Cure
6 oz. Flour
3 lbs. Barium Sulphate
1 1/4 oz. Yellow Ocher
Mix the flour in a half pail of water, stirring until
smooth. Dissolve the Yellow Ocher in one quart of water and
add this solution, together with the glue, to the flour
mixture in the pail. Bring to a boil and add the Barium
Sulphate slowly, stirring constantly. Make the wash the day
before it is to be used so that it will have time to cool.
Stir frequently while using and apply with a brush.
When meat is properly washed, dried, and wrapped, it will
keep in good condition. This is the best protection against
skippers, insects, and mold. It is very important, however,
to see that the meat is thoroughly dry before it is
wrapped, because if the meat is still damp when wrapped,
mold will readily form. A reasonable amount of mold does
not hurt the meat. Very often high quality meat is allowed
to mold and before the meat is cooked the mold is removed.
Therefore, if mold should develop on your meat, it need
cause no serious worry because it can usually be ribbed or
cut off without loss. Mold may easily be removed by
scrubbing the surface of the meat with a brush dipped in
hot water. Another good way is to wash the meat with a
cloth dipped in vinegar and then rub the meat with a little
warm lard.
USE SHOULDERS FIRST Mold is most apt to
appear on shoulders because they crack open easier. It is
good practice to use the shoulders first to avoid excess
When a ham or large piece of meat is cut, and it will be
some time before the balance of the meat is used, the cut
surface should be smeared over with lard or covered with
oiled paper.
Modern curing methods and your home freezer now bring
exciting new variety to the meat menu and make possible an
endless variety of new meat dishes all year ’round.
can have mild cured meal and freshly made sausage any time
of the year.
A new, easy method of curing meat that works hand in hand
with fresh meat or your home freezer, is bringing exciting
changes to the dinner table. Not since the first freshly
cured ham was hung in fragrant hickory smoke, has the
homemaker had such an opportunity to vary the meat menu so
easily and economically.
You can work the curing magic with any pork cut, shoulder
slices, boneless loin, spareribs, or backribs and give a
tempting, mild cure flavor to other meats, such as beef,
poultry, and game.
This seasoning method, developed by the Morton Salt
Company, so simplifies curing that you can do the job right
in your kitchen. Just rub Tender-Quick (or place in
Tender-Quick brine) over pieces of thawed meat selected
from your freezer. Then store in your refrigerator. Leave
them for a few hours, or overnight, depending on the cut of
meat and amount of cured flavor desired and you’ll have
mildly cured, delicately flavored meat ready to cook.
Whether you butcher your own meat for processing and
freezing, or buy in quantity already processed, kitchen
curing will fit handily into your program.
No need to store whole hams or large pieces that are
difficult to wrap and waste freezer space. Cut fresh hams
into three parts . . . the ham butt, center slices, and
shank. They pack away nicely and offer a whole new
storehouse of varieties.
Improved quality is another advantage of kitchen curing.
Meat is pleasingly firm.
You’ll also enjoy the uniform flavor that kitchen curing
provides. By varying the curing time you can achieve an
extremely mild to a full, rich flavor to suit the most
particular member of your family.
THAWING FROZEN MEAT All meat taken from
the home freezer for curing must be thawed before curing.
Take the meat from the freezer (do not remove the wrapper)
allow it to stand at room temperature until it shows signs
of thawing. Then remove wrapper and place in a
refrigerator, or any place where the temperature is not
lower than 38° and not higher than 50°. 12 hours or
overnight is enough time to thaw the average size piece of
Cuts of meat which are to be mild-cured in brine for only a
few hours, can be cured at room temperatures up to 70
degrees. Meat should neverbe put back in the
freezer or frozen while curing or after curing.
CARE OF MEAT WHEN CURED Cured meat should
be kept under refrigeration or in any cool place where the
temperature is about 40°. Cured meat keeps well under
refrigeration and does not lose its fine flavor. It is best
when used within 5 days. When held longer than 5 days, it
may get sticky. When this happens, rub the outside surface
with plain salt until the sticky condition is gone, then
wash in cold water, dry, and place under refrigeration. The
meat should then be used in the next 2 or 3 days.
Tender-Quick to the meat you wish to cure right in your kitchen without any mess–it’s done
quickly and the meat cures fast. Slices and thin pieces
cure in 1 to 3 days. Larger pieces cure in 7 to 10 days.
When the Tender-Quick has been applied, put the meat in a
plastic bag, tie the open end of the bag and put it into
the refrigerator or any cool place not over 45°. Allow
the meat to remain in cure the proper length of time and it
is then ready to use. The curing time and the right amount
of cure to use for each cut of meat is specified in the
curing directions.
BACON Fresh or frozen pieces may be cured.
For dry cure, use 2 heaping tablespoons of Tender-Quick for
each pound of meat. Rub the Tender-Quick on all surfaces,
then put the meat in a plastic bag and tie the open end.
Place in a refrigerator not over 45° allow to cure 5 to
days. When curing time is up, remove the meat from the bag,
wash, then dry and the meat is ready to use.
For brine cure, mix 1 cup of Tender-Quick to 3 cups of
water. Place the boneless loin in a container, then pour
enough brine over the meat to completely cover it. Place in
a refrigerator not over 45°. Allow to cure 6 to 10
days. When curing time is up, follow above dry cure
This cut of meat, when cured, may be sliced and used as
Canadian Bacon.
CURING BACON Any piece of fresh bacon
side, or frozen side which has been thawed, can be cured.
To dry cure, use 1 heaping tablespoon of Tender-Quick for
each pound of meat. Rub the cure into the piece of meat and
put it into a plastic bag. Place it in the refrigerator not
over 45°.
Curing time for dry or brine cure–allow 5 to 7 days;
when curing time is up, remove from container or plastic
bag, wash, dry and place in refrigerator.
CURED BONELESS HAM Divide a fresh ham into
three parts; the knuckle and the cushion are the ideal
pieces for curing. The small slices taken from the butt end
of the cushion can be made into steaks; they may be cured
in slices the same as pork chops. The shank meat and
trimmings can be packaged, frozen, and later used for
making pork sausage.
Brine Cure: Mix 1 cup of Tender-Quick to 3 cups of water.
Place boneless pieces of ham in a clean container. Pour
enough brine over meat to completely cover it. Weight meat
down to keep it under the brine. Place in a refrigerator
about 45°.
Dry Cure: Use 2 heaping tablespoons of Tender-Quick for
each pound of meat; rub the Tender-Quick on all surfaces of
the meat, put the piece of ham in a plastic bag, tie up the
open end, and place in a refrigerator not over 45°.
Boneless shoulders and Boston Butts are cured in the same
manner as boneless hams.
The pieces are ready to use as they come from cure. If not
to be used when taken from cure, wash, dry and place in
refrigerator and use within 10 days. Ideal for baking or
boiling, can be sliced for frying or cut into thick slices
and baked.
Curing Time: 6 to 8 pound pieces, 10 days; 9 to 12 pound
pieces, 12 days; larger pieces, 15 days.
CURED PORK LOIN Pieces of fresh or frozen
pork loin can be cured.
A fully-cured loin, when baked, has the color of ham,
partly cured loin is pink around the edges and the color of
fresh pork roast in the center.
For dry cure, use 2 heaping tablespoons of Tender-Quick for
each pound of meat; rub the entire surface with
Tender-Quick. Put the piece of pork loin in a plastic bag
and tie the open end. Place it in the refrigerator, not
over 45°, allow to cure 3 or 4 days, for a partially
cured loin–6 to 8 days for a full-cured loin.
For brine cure, mix 1 cup of Tender-Quick to 3 cups of
water. Put the piece of loin in a clean container with
enough pickle to completely cover the loin. Place it in the
refrigerator, not over 45°. Allow to cure 4 to 5 days
for a partly-cured loin, 8 to 10 days for a full-cured
Cured pork loins may be used immediately or placed in the
refrigerator and used several days later.
There is much variety to be had from a cured pork loin.
Remove the bones, bake the boneless loin, or use as
Canadian-style bacon. The ribs may be used for BarB-Q. Cut
loin into chops to fry or broil–thick chops may be
slit, making pockets for stuffing.
CURED PORK CHOPS Fresh or frozen pork
chops can be cured. Thaw frozen chops before curing.
Mix 1/3 cup Tender-Quick to 1 cup of water. Put the chops
in a clean container with enough brine to completely cover
them. Allow to cure 6 to 8 hours, or overnight for extra
thick chops; then chops are ready to use. Cured chops taken
from the brine may be used immediately or several days
later. They may be fried, broiled, or baked. For variety,
slit and stuff before cooking.
CURED SPARE RIBS Fresh or frozen ribs can
be cured. Thaw frozen, ribs before curing.
Dry Cure: Use 1 heaping tablespoon of Tender-Quick for each
pound of ribs. Rub the cure on all parts of the spare ribs;
they may be left whole or cut into 3 or 4-rib strips. Put
the ribs in a plastic bag, tie the open end, and allow to
cure 1 or 2 days in a refrigerator not over 45°.
For brine cure, mix 1/3 cup of Tender-Quick to 1 cup of
water. Cut the spare ribs into 3 or 4-rib pieces; put the
pieces in a clean container with enough brine over ribs to
completely cover them. Place in a refrigerator, not over
45°. Allow to cure 1 to 2 days.
When curing time is up, wash and they are ready to use for
Bar-B-Q, baking, boiling, or frying. Cured ribs have more
flavor and better color when cooked.
CURED CORNED BEEF Fresh beef or beef from
the freezer can be cured.
Make a brine by mixing 1 pound of Tender-Quick to 2 quarts
of water; for small batches, 1 cup of TenderQuick to 3 cups
of water.
Place meat in a clean container, allowing some space for
the curing brine. Pour over meat enough brine to completely
cover it. Weight it down to keep it submerged. Cure in a
refrigerator, not over 45°. Cure 14 to 20 days,
depending on the thickness of the piece of meat. If the
meat is not used at the end of the curing time, leave in
brine 7 days longer. If it is not used then it should be
taken from the brine, washed, dried, and placed in the
refrigerator. Cook within five days.
To cure small pieces for boiled dinners or for making
corned beef hash or a loaf, prepare the curing brine as
directed above. Place the pieces of meat in a clean bowl or
jar, add enough brine to cover. Allow to cure 6 to 7 days.
When curing time is up, remove meat from container and
To dry cure, use 2 tablespoons of Tender-Quick for each
pound of meat. Rub cure into meat. Then slip into a plastic
bag, tie open end, put bag in refrigerator. Cure 7 to 14
days depending on the thickness of the meat. Handle same as
for brine cure.
CURED HAM The ham butt can be baked as a
roast, uncured, or cured and baked. The slices can be cured
one or more slices at a time, and the shank used for
boiling or take out the bones and use the boneless meat for
making sausage.
To dry cure the ham butt, apply 2 tablespoons of
Tender-Quick for each pound of meat; put the meat into a
plastic bag and allow to cure 1 1/2 days per pound. The
slices are cured by applying 1 tablespoon Tender-Quick per
pound of meat or per average slice of ham. When cure has
been applied, put the slices of ham in plastic bags. Tie
the open end of the bags and place in the refrigerator for
curing–ham slices are ready to use after curing for 24
hours. It is advisable to use the cured slices within five
This method of cutting and storing hams in the home freezer
and then, many months later, curing and making sausage is
practical and economical because it eliminates the storing
of hams whole or in pieces which are difficult to wrap and
which also take up a lot of extra space in your home
CURED TRIMMINGS Spread the trimmings on a
flat tray and add 2 heaping tablespoons of Tender-Quick to
each pound of meat; mix and pack in a bowl, plastic bag, or
mason jar, to cure. For brine cure, mix 1/3 cup of
Tender-Quick to 1 cup of water. Place the meat in a clean
bowl or mason jar and cover with brine.
Curing should be done in a refrigerator, not over 45°.
Allow pork to cure 2 or 3 days, beef–5 to 6 days.
Cured trimmings can be used for making jellied loaves,
smoked sausage, summer sausage, Mettwurst, special pork
loaves, vinegar pickled meats, etc.
chickens or chicken from the freezer.
Mix 1/2 cup Tender-Quick to 3 cups of water. Place chicken
or pieces of chicken in a clean container and pour enough
brine over the chicken to cover. Place in refrigerator, not
over 45°. Allow to remain in brine 8 to 12 hours.
Placing chicken in Tender-Quick brine makes the meat firm
and gives the chicken a more desirable flavor when cooked.
It draws out any blood left around the joints and takes
away that barnyard taste found in poultry.
You will never know how much better fried, boiled, stewed,
or baked chicken can taste until you have tried placing
them in Tender-Quick brine.
CURED DOMESTIC RABBIT Rabbits can be cured
whole or cut in pieces. Wash rabbit and place in a clean
container. Make a curing brine by mixing 1/2 cup of
Tender-Quick in 2 cups of water. Pour enough brine into the
container to completely cover the rabbit.
Allow to cure 24 hours, then take it from the brine, wash,
and it is ready to cook. If it is not to be cooked
immediately, place in the refrigerator and cook within 3 to
5 days after it is cured. Cured rabbit may be fried,
broiled, baked, or stewed.
Tender-Quick brine draws out the blood, firms the meat, and
improves the flavor.
Wild rabbits and small game placed in TenderQuick brine
before being cooked will have an improved flavor and it
helps reduce the strong game taste.
PORK SAUSAGE Fresh, unseasoned trimmings,
when frozen, hold their fresh flavor and can be used for
making delicious-tasting pork sausage at any time.
Freeze fresh pork trimmings in 2 to 3 pound packages.
Trimmings should be 1/3 fat and 2/3 lean. When ready to
make sausage, take a package of frozen trimmings from the
freezer, allow to stand at room temperature 2 or 3 hours,
then remove wrapper or bag and cut meat into small pieces
convenient for grinding. Add Morton’s Meat, Poultry, and
Sausage Seasoning, 1 level tablespoon per pound of meat,
mix thoroughly, and grind into the same container in which
the meat and seasoning were mixed–any seasoning left
in the container will be picked up and mixed into the
freshly-ground sausage.
Sausage meat may be made into rolls, placed in the
refrigerator and, when chilled, sliced into patties as
needed, or it may be stuffed into casings.
CURED TURKEY Fresh turkeys or turkeys
taken from the home freezer or locker can be cured.
Turkeys, capons, and chickens are cured the same way.
Select only plump, thick-breasted young birds.
Make the curing brine by mixing 1 pound of Tender-Quick to
3 quarts of water. Mix until Tender-Quick is completely
Put the turkey, capon or chicken into a clean container
just large enough to hold it, allowing space for the brine.
Pour into the container enough brine to completely cover
the bird. Weight it down to keep it submerged. Small
turkeys up to 10 pounds, capons, and chickens, cure 3 days;
11 to 16 pound turkeys, cure 4 days; over 16 pounds, cure 5
CURED BEEF TONGUE Fresh tongues and frozen
tongues from the freezer, when thawed, can be cured. Mix I
cup Tender-Quick to 3 cups water. Wash tongue in warm
water, then place in a clean container. Pour into the
container enough brine to completely cover the tongue.
Place in a refrigerator or any cool place, temperature not
over 45°. Allow to cure 14 to 20 days, depending on the
size of the tongue.
Calf, lamb, and pork tongues, cure 7 to 10 days.
for hocks. Curing gives better flavor and a pleasing pink
color to the pickled meat. Place feet or hocks in a
container and cover with water. Bring to a slow boil and
allow to cook until tender. Wash in hot water. If feet were
cooked whole, split or cut into quarters. Hocks may be left
whole or made boneless.
While feet or hocks are still hot, pour enough vinegar
pickle (recipe below) over them to cover. Allow to cool at
room temperature, then place in refrigerator. Allow 2 to 3
days for vinegar pickle to penetrate.
2 cups vinegar
a bay leaf
1 teaspoon whole cloves
1 small onion, sliced
Combine above ingredients and bring to a boil. Then lower
heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Strain liquid to remove
solids, and add 1 1/2 cups of hot water and 1 tablespoon of
sugar. Double or triple the above recipe for large amounts.
Pour hot liquor over the warm meat; vinegar flavor
penetrates faster when used hot on warm cuts of meat.